Friday, October 24, 2008

London Jennifer Cottrell is here!!

She has arrived. This will be a short post, I will fill in the details later. She was born on October 23, 2008 at 5:56 pm. and weighed 6lbs 13 oz. Mom, Dad and baby are all well. Nanna is smiling big. Three and counting.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Brock James Fausett, Amber & Brad's little one

These are some of the most recent pictures of our new grand-son Brock. They are not very recent I believe he was about two weeks old when we took these. In the one with Brad and Brock, he is new born, just minutes old. Here are the stats on Brock James Fausett:
Born August 27, 2008
At: 1:34 pm
Weighed: 7lbs 8oz
Length: 19 1/2 inches

And most important Grandpa and Nanna think
he is the cutest little boy in existence.

We are here

I decided to enter the bloggesphere world. And as my first step I have probably spelled that word wrong; if it is even a word. I have been on facebook for a while now, but there are so many family and friends that do not have facebook and can't view the pictures of our growing family that I had to have another option for them. I will start slow I am sure, but hopefully the learning curve isn't too steep and I can make this a family informative site. I am hoping I can link into it some of my genealogy research too. Well, onto learning how to add pictures; since that was one of the main reasons for all of this.

Love to all, Nada